8 Reasons Why You Should Visit and Explore the Azores


Do you know that feeling when you discover something or learn about something so unique and incredible that you want to tell all your friends and family?

That’s one of the feelings you’ll have when you visit the Azores. A magical place with unique characteristics in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It’s hard to visit the Azores and not want to explore all of its 9 islands.

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At least once in your lifetime, you should visit one of the Azores islands. We’ve gathered 8 reasons why you should travel to, explore, and visit the Azores.

See also: 21 reasons to visit the Azores

Visit the Azores

#01 Short and affordable trips

Traveling to the Azores is now even more accessible with the liberalization of airspace and the arrival of low-cost airlines (Ryanair). But, as with all holiday destinations, there are many travel options with or without accommodation at your disposal. The investment is certainly worth it, believe me.

With short trips, for example, departing from mainland Portugal, 2 hours of travel are enough to reach the island of São Miguel. A direct flight from Boston (USA) to Ponta Delgada takes about 4 hours.

See also: Trips to the Azores

There are also some direct flights to the islands of Terceira, Pico, and Faial. Between islands, you can travel through Sata Air Azores (Azores Airlines). During the summer, if you wish, you can also travel by boat to any island.

Check the airlines that fly to the Azores as well as Travel Agencies and find the ideal package for your stay.

#02 Visit the only tea plantation in Europe

Chá Gorreana - Azores

It’s true, the only tea plantation in Europe is located in São Miguel. You can visit the Gorreana Tea Plantation, which started in 1883. The visit to this place is free, allowing you to learn a bit more about the cultivation and processing of various types of tea. And, of course, enjoy and taste the unique tea.

Besides Gorreana Tea, you can also visit the Porto Formoso Tea Factory, which operated between the 1920s and 1980s. Later, in 1998, it was restored and is now active, well worth the visit.

Also on the island of São Jorge, you will find another interesting plantation. Café Nunes produces the only coffee in Europe.

#03 Unique and relaxing landscapes and moments

Poça Dona Beija - São Miguel - Azores

Photo: pocadonabeija.com

With volcanic origins, the Azores have unique landscapes, such as hills, lagoons, and hot springs. One of the great attractions, where you can undoubtedly relax your body and mind, are the hot springs in São Miguel. You can do this in four different places: Ponta da Ferraria, Caldeira Velha, Terra Nostra Park, and Poça da Dona Beija.

Regarding landscapes, choose any of the islands, and you will feel like you are in paradise.

See also: Benefits of hot spring waters

#04 Fantastic hiking and walking trails

The Azores are the ideal place for those who love discovery and hiking.

Their walking trails lead to places of true magic, always accompanied by their landscape and nature. On all the islands, you will find various trails where you can venture. They are all properly identified and documented.

One of the most challenging places to visit will certainly be the Pico Mountain on Pico Island. Have you thought about the adrenaline of climbing to the highest point in Portugal?

#05 Gastronomy

The Azores are rich in their gastronomy, with regional and typical dishes from the various islands.

Let’s start with the delicacies, the fantastic Azorean limpets that you can enjoy and savor. Try the typical São Jorge cheese. Don’t forget the famous fresh white cheese with pimenta da Terra, an Azorean specialty.

In São Miguel, it is mandatory to try the Cozido das Furnas. On Terceira Island, highlight the divine alcatra, which the locals know how to cook very well.

Stewed Octopus and Holy Spirit Soups are two other dishes you can enjoy during your stay.

Regarding cakes and sweets, the Azores also have unique products you will fall in love with: Bolo Lêvedo, Queijadas da Vila, Queijadas da Graciosa, Cavacas, Malassadas, Ferradura, and Rice Pastries.

#06 Maritime activities

Whale Watching Azores

The location of the Azores couldn’t be better for maritime activities. In the heart of the Atlantic Ocean, you can dive into the ocean depths, watch whales and dolphins. A destination increasingly sought after for these activities.

On all the islands, you can easily find companies dedicated to this activity with various options and programs.

See also: Tourism Companies in the Azores

#07 Small towns and villages

The hustle and bustle, stress, and traffic of big cities, like Lisbon and Porto, are nothing compared to the tranquility of the Azores. Regardless of the island you visit, you will find that the towns are