Praia da Vitória from an Aerial View


Praia da Vitória is a city (and municipality) located on the eastern side of Terceira Island.

It consists of 11 parishes: Agualva, Biscoitos, Cabo da Praia, Fonte do Bastardo, Fontinhas, Lajes, Porto Martins, Santa Cruz, Quatro Ribeiras, São Brás, and Vila Nova.

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The city of Praia da Vitória is rich in history, traditions, and monuments. It was also one of the first settlements on the third island of the Azores archipelago to be discovered, with settlement beginning between 1456 and 1474.

See also: Places to visit in Praia da Vitória

Praia da Vitória, Ilha Terceira - Açores

Over time, agriculture, livestock farming, and the easily accessible port were responsible for the region’s development. Initially, it was simply called Praia. It was in 1829 that it gained the name Vitória.

Its development was later hampered due to some natural disasters and major earthquakes that caused great destruction, notably the so-called “Caída da Praia.” Years later, with the construction of the maritime port and the new military airport (20th century), Praia da Vitória gained a new lease of life in its development and wealth.

Its typical architecture and traditional streets make its historic center an interesting place for strolling and discovery. You can appreciate various monuments such as the Igreja Matriz (15th century) and Senhor Santo Cristo (16th century), the Fort of Santa Catarina, the Customs House, among others.

Also noteworthy is the Vitorino Nemésio Museum House, where the poet of several well-known works around the world, such as “Mau Tempo no Canal,” was born.

On the outskirts of the city, highlight the Serra do Cume, where you can appreciate the beautiful natural landscape from the Facho Viewpoint. A fantastic panoramic view and a must-visit spot.

Praia da Vitória in Video

In the video below, captured by drone, you can appreciate the beautiful landscapes and get to know Praia da Vitória from a different perspective.