Caldeiras das Furnas vistas do céu – imagens simplesmente magníficas

Nas Furnas, na saída para a Povoação, pode observar-se um conjunto de Caldeiras fumegando com as águas em grande ebulição. Há um pequeno parque onde se podem observar as Caldeiras. Algumas são barulhentas e profundas, outras apenas fervem à superfície, pode sentir-se o cheiro de enxofre e ferro no ar.-



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In Furnas, at the exit to Povoação, you can see a group of boilers steaming with the water in great boiling. The Caldeira are visible from anywhere in town as they look like smoke. They are in fact vents of steam and other vapours from deep in the ground. There is a small park where you follow a path from vent to vent. Some are noisy and deep in the ground other just boiling on the surface, You can smell the sulphur and iron in the air. It is very interesting and part of a great day out in Furnas.

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